
In 2022, join the Med'Law project

The Med'Law project, co-founded by expert physiotherapists, is a project based on research and expertise.

It aims to enrich our knowledge of the application of law in health practice and to help health professionals in the daily practice of their activity, as well as experts in their specialized work.

For more information on upcoming events, contact us

or download the registration form


Because our project is based on mutual aid and the protection of our peers, we work to offer you useful content in your practice!


Informed consent declaration form during the practice of pelvi-perineology rehabilitation acts

Document to be signed during the first exchange with your patients.

It will allow you to inform it as well as to have protection in the event of a dispute or claim.


Document to come

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Document to come

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Document to come

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Our Med'blog, discussion on the latest news topics, legal issues, and practical topics of our profession

by Carmen V 11 Jan, 2023
VRAI ou FAUX Un kinésithérapeute peut rédiger un certificat d’inaptitude à la pratique sportive.
by Carmen V 02 Dec, 2022
Le congé paternité des professions paramédicales libérales
by Carmen V 16 Nov, 2022
Le congé maternité pour les professionnels de santé
by Carmen V 05 Oct, 2022
Cas pratique du jour: LA COTISATION À L’ORDRE 
by Carmen V 10 Sept, 2022
Puis-je avoir une activité annexe à mon activité de MK?
by Carmen V 01 Sept, 2022
La carte des professionnels de santé (CPS)
by Carmen V 27 Aug, 2022
Le kiné éducateur sportif
by Carmen V 28 Jul, 2022
Que se passe-t-il si je suis en #arret ?
by Carmen V 13 Jul, 2022
Avez-vous entendu parler du EI [ #entrepreneur #individuel ] ??
by Carmen V 22 Jun, 2022
Publicité et communication pour les MK
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